Investigation services


Investigation services

Interdisciplinary research leads to the best results

Suspicions of irregularities demand a quick, adequate and careful response. Each case is unique: the environment is different, insight into the facts is lacking and the approach must do justice to the interests of all the parties involved. The personal and business interests of the parties are often wide, contrary and diverse.

Specialists in investigation

We distinguish ourselves from other professional service providers by our interdisciplinary composition and approach towards investigations: we dig deeper. In this respect we are truly independent and have gained a broad, international experience. Should it appear to be necessary we use leading eDiscovery tooling. Each case has its own context and different dimensions. Therefore, we do not have a standard approach, but apply one which achieves results in an effective and efficient manner and does justice to the interests of our clients.

Legal steps and strategy

We assess the facts and offer you insight into possible steps under civil law and criminal law in response. When possible, we ensure that missing assets are returned. We call on our international network and use contacts in national and international investigation agencies and regulators, among others. We substantiate legal proceedings by providing investigative data and offer support in making necessary choices.

Graphic cliënt problem

A systematic approach gives clients control over the progress and status of an investigation. We work efficiently and effectively: our expertise means that we have shorter turnaround times and realistic fees. We are also uniquely able to recover missing assets. This makes us a leading company in fact-finding investigations and the market leader in asset tracing & recovery.


For more information about our investigative services, we refer to our articles.

Het dubbele normenkader van forensische onderzoeken van financieel economische criminaliteit
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Please contact us to discuss your request, if you require more information on the following issues

  • Asset tracing & recovery
  • Integrity due diligence
  • Anti-money laundering
  • Litigation support
  • Forensic technology
  • Security
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